来源:帝国速运 发表时间:2021-01-04 浏览量:776次
01 什么是探究型问题(Probing Question)?
探究型问题的本质是要求对某一特定事项提供更多细节。帝国速运15710788677国际电池小包,国际电池小包专线,国际电池小包跟踪查询,国际电池小包出口物流它们通常是某一个问题的后续问题,如:Could you tell me more about that? 或 Please explain what you mean. 探究型问题是为了澄清一个观点或帮助你了解问题的根源,这样你就知道如何最好地推进销售工作。
在这种情况下,简单地问:tell me about your biggest challenges with your current solution,显然是不够的。你必须用后续问题进行探究,让你的潜在客户有信心分享他们面临的真正障碍。
02 销售探测问题
- How can we help?
- Could you please give me some background on this?
- Why are you seeking to do this work/project/engagement?
- Why isn’t this particular service/product/situation/issue working for you right now?
- Can you tell me more about the present situation/problem?
- How long has it been an issue/problem?
- How long have you been thinking about this?
- How is it impacting your organization/customers/staff?
- How much is the issue/problem costing you in time/money/resources/staff/energy?
- How much longer can you afford to have the problem go unresolved?
- When you went to your existing supplier and shared your frustrations about this problem, what reassurances did they give you that it wouldn’t be repeated?
- How did these problems/issues first come about? What were the original causes?
- How severe is the problem?
- Why do you think the issue/problem has been going on for so long?
- When do you need the issue/problem fixed?
- What kind of return or payoff will you be looking for if you get a successful resolution of the problem?
- How often do you think the problem has come up where you weren’t even aware of it?
- Who is ultimately responsible for this?
- Tell me more about it.
- Can you make an educated guess as to how much it costs you?
- Why have you been dealing with this for so long?
- Why do you think it is happening?
- What’s your role in this situation/issue/problem?
- What bothers you the most about this situation/issue/problem?
- What are you currently doing to address the problem?
- What have you done in the past to address the problem?
- Have you used this type of product/service in the past?
- Does this affect other parts of the business?
- What has prevented you from fixing this in the past?
- What kind of timeframe are you working in to fix this?
- How long have you been thinking about it?
- Who else is aware of it?
- What is it costing you?
- What is your strategy to fix this problem?
- Who supports this action?
- Is this problem causing other problems?
- What practical options do you have to address this?
- What kind of pressure is this causing you and the business?
- Does your competition have these problems?
- What goals and objectives do you have for this?
- What is your biggest challenge with this?
- What has made you want to look into this now?
- In a perfect world, what would you like to see happen with this?
- What are your key objectives with this?
- What options are you currently looking at?
- What options have you tried?
- What do you like about your current supplier?
- What kind of timeframe are you working within?
- How important is this need (on a scale of 1-10)?
- What is the biggest problem that you are facing with this?